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Q&A-Session: Residence Permits For International Students And Graduates

The Q&A-Session will be held in English. Language level B2 is recommended.

You've got questions concerning residence permits for international students and graduates?
Do you want to know which permits are relevant for you and if you are allowed to work during your studies or after graduation?

You will receive answer in our Q&A-Session.

In preparation for the event, we have compiled the most important information concerning residence permits in a video.

Click here for the video...

The Q&A-Session will be conducted online via the GoToMeeting platform. The registration for the event is closed due to organisational reasons.

ThAFF Event

Datum: 05.07.2022
Uhrzeit: 15:00
Ort: Online Event
Veranstaltungskategorien ThAFF-Veranstaltung, Veranstaltungen für Studierende & Absolventen, Online-Veranstaltung
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