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Q&A-Session: Application Portfolio Basics & Job Interview Insights

The Q&A-Session will be held in English. Language level B2 is recommended.

Do you have question on how to create an application portfolio that matches the German professional application standard?
Which information should your CV include?
And how to prepare for a job interview?

You will receive answers in our Q&A-Session.

In preparation for the event, we have compiled the most important information about application documents in Germany and job interviews in videos.

Click here for the videos...

The Q&A-Session will be conducted online via the GoToMeeting platform. You will receive the login data by e-mail before the event.

ThAFF Event

Datum: 07.06.2022
Uhrzeit: 15:00
Ort: Online Event
Veranstaltungskategorien ThAFF-Veranstaltung, Veranstaltungen für Studierende & Absolventen, Online-Veranstaltung
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