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Family & Working Life

Each day, so many are busy combining their family and their working life: We support you with information and tips to reconcile both areas. Take advantage of our services regarding the reconciliation of work and children as well as work and care of family members.

Free-of-charge consultations

We work closely together with various institutions, counselling centres as well as projects in and outside of Thuringia. We would be happy to support you in finding the right contact person – do not hesitate to contact us for a personal appointment or via telephone or email.

Further services of the ThAFF

academix Thüringen

Academix Thueringen Leg Thueringen

Thuringia has various professional possibilities to offer – find out more at the business contact fair academix Thüringen! Each year more than 70 Thuringian companies encounter about 1000 skilled professionals.

find out more